
The company offers a line of economical chillers designed to provide reliable heat removal for laser etching, engraving and marking systems. For use with lasers and other temperature-sensitive instrumentation, the 5000 series and 6000 series recirculating chillers are capable of maintaining process temperatures from -10° to +70°C with ±0.1°C stability. They provide a maximum of 2,900 W (9.889 BTU/hour) of heat removal and are available with ¼- to 1-hp compressors.  The high-performance chillers also offer user-friendly operation, the company says. Standard features include extra-large temperature and pressure/flow rate digital readouts; one-touch temperature control; ambient temperature tracking capability; and integral temperature, pressure and flow alarms. Each chiller can be equipped with the pump type—centrifugal, positive displacement or turbine—that meets the pressure and flow rate requirements of the cooling application. A DI water package and remote control capability are also available as options.
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