Robotic Spindles Grind Abrasive Materials
Designed for robotic grinding of abrasive materials such as glass, ceramic, composite and forged materials, Dynomax’s 1,800-rpm Dynogrind spindles can be used in industries including aerospace, automotive, renewable energy and more.

Designed for robotic grinding of abrasive materials such as glass, ceramic, composite and forged materials, Dynomax’s 1,800-rpm Dynogrind spindles can be used in industries including aerospace, automotive, renewable energy and more. For example, at 8.5 hp and about 12,000 rpm, the 33-lb (15-kg) HSE070-812289 model will generate 3.8 foot-pounds of torque, which is suitable for glass and ceramic grinding applications.
The abrasive grinding spindles feature the Dynoguard sealing system, which is designed to protect against abrasive environments and increase spindle life.
The spindles are equipped with an abrasive grinding package, including an HSK tool-change system that enables quick tool change for increased productivity and accuracy. Other features include a power management/interconnect system that provides protection from the slurry, dust, water and other invasive materials, and a closed-loop cooling system. The system is designed for ease of installation and low maintenance, improving spindle performance and increasing spindle life.
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