
Rotor Grinder Handles Helical Screw Components

The TG 350E rotor grinding machine from Precision Technologies Group’s Holroyd Machine Tools and Components division is designed to grind a variety of helical screw components.


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The TG 350E rotor grinding machine from Precision Technologies Group’s Holroyd Machine Tools and Components division is designed to grind a variety of helical screw components such as worm screws and rotors as large as 350 mm in diameter and 1,795 mm long.

Featuring high accuracy and aggressive stock removal capability, the machines can mill rotors to a roughed or semi-finished state. The rotors then can be finish-ground on the company’s helical grinders. Chucking and workholding options enable quick-change tooling and improve setup time. A 3D measurement and correction probe maximizes accuracy and improves production rates, eliminating the need for off-machine inspection. As a result, parts can be placed in the machine, accurately ground and then measured, and any deviations automatically corrected before completion of the cycle, the company says. 

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