Servo Terminal I/O Supports Short Cycle Times
Beckhoff Automation’s EL7201-0010 servo terminal supports One Cable Technology (OCT), combining power and feedback signals into one streamlined cable.

Beckhoff Automation’s EL7201-0010 servo terminal supports One Cable Technology (OCT), combining power and feedback signals into one streamlined cable. The EL7201 series servo terminal from the company’s EtherCAT I/O system integrates a complete servo amplifier for motors ranging to 200 W in a compact, high-density terminal housing measuring 12 mm wide. According to the company, OCT-equipped motors reduce wiring costs and keep commissioning costs to a minimum. Benefits of the system include short cycle times, low jitter and simple diagnostics. The monitoring of parameters such as overvoltage and under voltage, overcurrent, terminal temperature, and motor load via the calculation of an I²T model offers maximum operational reliability.
OCT is also available as an option on the Beckhoff AM8000 servomotor series instead of the traditional resolver interface. All motors from the series feature absolute feedback and an electronic nameplate, which can be read automatically by the EL7201-0010 servo terminal. According to the company, absolute feedback makes a reference drive unnecessary, though the axes can be commissioned via plug and play efforts.
The EL7201-0010 servo terminal also supports the direct connection of Beckhoff servomotor models AM8121 (0.5 Nm), AM8122 (0.8 Nm) and AM8131 (1.13 Nm). In these motors, the power and feedback signals are combined in one standard motor cable.
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