
Simulation Software Stands Alone or Integrates with CAM Systems

Amerimold 2017: CGTech will showcase the latest version of its Vericut CNC machine simulation, verification and optimization software.

El McKenzie, Managing Editor, Products Finishing magazine


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CGTech will showcase the latest version of its Vericut CNC machine simulation, verification and optimization software. Like earlier versions, Version 8.0.2 can operate independently or be integrated with leading CAM systems. This full integration with the CAD/CAM and machine tool industry is an important attribute of the software, the company says. Machine simulation detects collisions and near-misses between machine tool components such as axis slides, heads, turrets, rotary tables, spindles, toolchangers, fixtures, workpieces, cutting tools, and other user-defined objects. Vericut can simulate virtually every machine tool brand, the company says, including DMG MORI, Mazak, Makino, Matsuura, Hermle, Chiron, Starrag, WFL, Nakamura-Tome and more.

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