Slant-Bed Lathe Uses Bar Feeder, Gantry Loader for Automated Parts Processing
Chevalier’s FBL-200 rigid CNC slant-bed lathe is a fully automated, single-setup, parts processing machining system for mixed-volume, short runs or dedicated high-volume applications.

Chevalier’s FBL-200 rigid CNC slant-bed lathe is a fully automated, single-setup, parts processing machining system for mixed-volume, short runs or dedicated high-volume applications. Featuring a 45-degree slant-bed, rigid boxway structure, the machine is supported by ribbed Meehanite cast iron for strong support and damping qualities. The system uses a magazine-fed bar feeder (with bar capacity of 2.5") or gantry-style loader.
The lathe features an 8" hydraulic chuck, optional tool presetter, 18.5" maximum swing diameter with 10.2" maximum turning diameter and a maximum turning length of 16". The 20-hp AC digital spindle motor drives the 2.55"-bar-capacity spindle at speeds ranging to 3,500 rpm. The spindle has cylindrical roller bearings to strengthen the machine’s cutting capabilities. A 10-station indexing turret offers fast tool indexing. A manual tailstock and programmable quill are included along with a chip conveyor that is designed to provide efficient chip management.
The FBL-200 uses a FANUC 0i-TD CNC and digital servodrive and motor. This control provides a variety of functions, including rigid tap, multiple threads and a conversational Manual Guide 0i program.
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