
Sliding/Fixed Headstock Lathe Adds B Axis for Complex Machining

Index’s Traub TNL18-7B sliding/fixed headstock automatic lathe features seven linear axes and an additional B axis for particularly challenging machining tasks.


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Index’s Traub TNL18-7B sliding/fixed headstock automatic lathe features seven linear axes and an additional B axis for challenging machining tasks. The extra B axis in the upper tool carrier, which can pivot 100 degrees, enables complex parts and complicated contour elements to be machined at virtually any angular position. These parts also require additional operations such as milling, drilling, lateral drilling and threading. 

According to the company, parallel main-spindle operations previously required angled toolholders with “normal” turret positioning—now the turret simply pivots. The eight-position turret with a double-driven toolholder per position provides additional flexibility.

Tool-turret indexing is carried out by an NC rotary axis without a mechanical lock, enabling free angle positioning of the turret. All turret stations can be equipped with fixed or live toolholders, and the number of tools in the machine can be increased to as many as 54 tool stations through dual- and multi-toolholders.

The lathe also features a compact shank system capable of high-precision toolholder mounting in the turret. Toolholders are seated deeper in the turret for less leverage effect and increased stiffness. For live toolholders, the large shank diameter enables insertion of roller bearings with large diameters. A quick-change system enables fast tool change without removing the toolholder. The compact shank system increases tool life and helps improve surface quality.

Designed for ease of conversion between sliding-headstock to fixed-headstock mode and vice versa, the headstock’s long Z-travel distance ensures proper positioning of the main spindle, either for sliding headstock turning or fixed headstock turning. The main spindle is equipped with a C axis and delivers high torque to achieve large cutting volumes.  

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