
Software features Enhanced Tool Path

Griffo Brothers offers its CamLink software for the Mazatrol Matrix from Mazak.


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Griffo Brothers offers its CamLink software for the Mazatrol Matrix from Mazak. The software is said to increase shop efficiency and machine tool control. Support is available for the Matrix M, Matrix T, Matrix MT and Matrix ME controls.
CamLink supports the Mazatrol Matrix control in its GB\DataTransfer, GB\DataPrint, GB\DataEntry, GB\GeoEntry, GB\GeoSolid, and GB\DataTranslate software programs.
GB\DataEntry enables Matrix users to accelerate the programming process by moving it offline. Users can program in Mazatrol at their PC using the Matrix’s improved functions including pocket milling with multiple islands and B-axis indexing for lathes. In addition, users can check their programs for accuracy and highlight potential errors before parts are manufactured on the shop floor. With Tool Path for Matrix Mill users can view the shape and cutting path of their part before sending the program to the control. The Tool Path is viewable in wireframe or 3D solid mode. 
GB\DataEntry also uses a specialty graphics check feature called ShapeCheck, which enables users to view the part shape in a 3D surface model or wireframe, rotate the part shape and set the transparency level. In addition, users can select from a unit list, view the selected unit on-screen and see the corresponding Mazatrol code highlighted in the program.

GB\GeoSolid software provides Matrix support for SolidWorks users. According to the company, programming time is reduced and errors are eliminated by using the solids data already contained in the SolidWorks model. 

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