
Software For High-Quality Applications

CGS North America's V5.0.3.6 CAD/CAM software provides high-quality tool paths suited for medical applications, high-polish lens tooling and other products requiring minimal hand work. 


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According to software provider CGS North America, Cam-Tool Version V5.0.3.6 CAD/CAM software provides high-quality tool paths suited for medical applications, high-polish lens tooling and other products requiring minimal hand work.
The software can access updated cutter information from five toolmaker catalogs—OSG, Hitachi, NS Tool, Mitsubishi and Union Tool. In addition, a direct interface to CGTech’s Vericut software has been added to the post-processing routine for five-axis users. Holder catalog information has also been incorporated from MST and Big Daishowa to minimize the time required to create the holder geometry, the company says.

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