Steel Turning Grades Coated for Enhanced Performance
Seco Tools has introduced three turning insert grades designed for toughness and hardness in machining steel alloys as well as cast irons and stainless steels.

Seco Tools has introduced three turning insert grades designed for toughness and hardness in machining steel alloys as well as cast irons and stainless steels. The TP2501, TP1501 and TP0501 grades are treated with the company’s Duratomic CVD aluminum-oxide coating process to achieve improved mechanical and thermal properties and enhance performance. The new inserts also incorporate Edge Intelligence, a used-edge detection technology that involves coating the insert surfaces with a layer of chrome-colored coating approximately 0.1-micron thick. Users can identify a used insert edge by looking for black aluminum oxide showing through the chrome-colored coating. The high-contrast used-edge marks do not impact tool performance or machining-related parameters such as cutting data, enabling manufactures to process more parts per edge, limit production interruptions and reduce waste, the company says.
The grade are available in a range of insert sizes and geometries to accommodate operations ranging from roughing to finishing, and their application areas overlap to enable seamless progression. The versatile TP2501 is said to provide highly secure edge toughness behavior for dependable productivity and reliable part production in general steel turning applications. It is the recommended grade for operations that involve a variety of workpiece material requirements and unpredictable working conditions.
The general TP1501 grade is suitable for applications requiring high wear resistance in low-alloy steel workpieces. It offers the potential for higher cutting speeds, while its high reliability and accuracy ensures consistent part quality, the company says. The TP0501 is a general grade best-suited for stable machining conditions and situations requiring high output. It provides the highest wear resistance and/or cutting speeds in high-alloy and abrasive steel turning applications of the new TP grades. In addition, the insert’s high heat resistance makes it possible to achieve high metal removal rates without the need for coolant.
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