
Swiss-Turns Meet Part Variation Needs

REM Sales offers the Tsugami B0125 and B0205 Swiss-type automatic lathes.


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REM Sales offers the Tsugami B0125 and B0205 Swiss-type automatic lathes. Available in a variety of configurations, the new models are a flexible solution for precision round and prismatic parts.
According to the company, the lathes are designed to meet the needs of increased variation in part design and smaller lot sizes. The lathes can produce parts with less-complex features quickly and efficiently, the company says. The lathes can also operate with or without a guide bushing. The guide-bushing configuration is said to be ideal for parts with a length-to-diameter ratios of 4:1 or higher. Guide-bushless machining is suited for shorter parts and prismatic parts. It is also a good option for when barstock is not centerless ground, the company says. Remnant length is also reduced, an important consideration when working with expensive materials.
Both lathes feature direct-drive rotary guide bushings with 170 mm of Z-axis stroke (45 mm of stroke in the guide-bushless configuration.) According to the company, users can change from a guide-bushing configuration to a guide-bushless configuration in minutes.
The lathes feature three driven cross tools for drilling and milling operations; six turning tools; four main-spindle face tool positions; and eight subspindle face tool positions. A two-path Fanuc 0i-TD CNC reduces cycle time by enabling simultaneous operation of the main and subspindle. Overlapping machining enables the operator to complete subspindle operations on the first part while the main spindle starts work on the second part.

Other features include a flat-bed design and opposed gangslide. The flat-bed design resists thermal growth more effectively than a traditional slant-bed design to ensure more accurate parts, the company says. Tsugami’s opposed gang-slide design reduces chip-to-chip time by placing tools on each side of the guide bushing for faster indexing. 

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