
Synthetic Coolant For High-Pressure Systems


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The company announces a new synthetic coolant for high-pressure systems to minimize foam generation. The chemistry of Picocool 5254 was primarily developed to meet the growing demand for non-foaming products in modern machining centers, especially those systems with small sump capacities that deliver coolants under high pressure and delivery volumes, according to the company.

These systems are said to entrain air into the coolant, thus stimulating their surface active agents into high foam levels. Typical chemical defoamers built into the product or added sump side can be overwhelmed by system turbulence and can also produce down stream contamination problems. Excessive foam causes less coolant to penetrate the working interface of tooling and the metal’s surface thus reducing cooling and lubrication.

The coolant is said to eliminate these problems by not allowing foam to be created despite high pressure and air entrainment conditions when the coolant is sprayed under high pressure on the metal and tooling surfaces. The coolant is a multifunctional water soluble synthetic lubricant that is said to offer corrosion protection, high lubricity, hard water stability, extended sump life and biostabilty. It is suitable for all metals and for most machining and grinding applications, the company says. It rejects tramp oil, drops fines quickly and is biodegradable in treatment systems, the company says.

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