Technology Package Optimizes Robot Loading/Unloading
Siemens’ Run MyRobot technology package facilitates high-speed workpiece and tool handling via robots.

Siemens’ Run MyRobot technology package facilitates high-speed workpiece and tool handling via robots. The package enables viewing, programming and operating the machine system, including robots, and provides diagnostics and robot message display. Controlled via the Sinumerik 840D sl operator panel, the package eases robot integration and increases the efficiency and flexibility of the machine tool with automated loading and unloading. The robot is operated from the Sinumerik Operate graphical user interface like other units at the machine. Robot loading and unloading requires little space and enables flexible handling, the company says. In addition, the solution is scalable and can improve production efficiency. Part flow, tool and resource management, and maintenance can all be optimized, Siemens says.
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