The LNS E-Connect Enables Automatic Changeover
The LNS e-Connect Ethernet communications system enables bi-directional data sharing between CNC machine tools and LNS bar feeders.

The LNS e-Connect Ethernet communications system enables bidirectional data sharing between CNC machine tools and LNS bar feeders. These intra-machine communications monitor material usage and CNC production schedules to provide automatic changeover capability that reduces material waste and improves throughput.
According to the company, e-Connect enhances the performance of additional LNS products, including chip and coolant management devices, high-pressure coolant, and air filtration systems. E-Connect monitors LNS chip conveyors and reports even if the conveyor is offline. LNS ChipBlaster high-pressure and filtration systems can report pressure levels, warnings and faults through e-Connect. High-pressure coolant can be dynamically changed from the CNC machine tool cutting program. Because factory air conditions vary, LNS oil/coolant mist collectors will soon use e-Connect to monitor filter life.
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