Tool Data Software Enables Search, Analysis
TDM Systems’ TDMnext software supports both entry-level options and highly integrated, global system integrations with enhanced performance features including worldwide networking and easy scalability.

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TDM Systems’ TDMnext software supports both entry-level options and highly integrated, global system integrations with enhanced performance features including worldwide networking and easy scalability. The platform can handle the operation of all existing TDM modules as well as TDM Global Line modules simultaneously. It enables customers to completely overhaul and update their TDM software without a complicated system change. Additional advantages include simplified interface handling, and easy use of on-demand and browser-based solutions.
Features include first-class graphical 3D tool assembling and a data concept that enables import of new data independently from the software version, maximizing flexibility. The company says that TDMsearch provides a new standard for tool searches, TDMcheck analyzes data and processes in TDM, suggesting potential improvements, and TDMimport provides targeted, automated import of tool data from a variety of sources, both external and from legacy databases.
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