
Tool Grinding Software Optimizes Process

NUM has launched an update to its Numroto tool grinding software, including gash out-X and flute-X functions that are said to support next-generation tools with complex geometries.


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NUM has launched an update to its Numroto tool grinding software, including gash out-X and flute-X functions that are said to support next-generation tools with complex geometries.

The update also includes enhancements for the grinding of end mills and drills. These include “Quickedit” pages to simplify parameter selection for resharpening standard tools, predefined minimum cycle times to ensure reliable communication between the PC and the CNC even when generating very high-precision tool paths with many points, and optimized grinding of rough-profile end mills.

Featuring an integrated modeling-simulation-interpolation chain, Numroto is designed to avoid the sequential CAD-to-CAM and CAM-to-CNC translation phases of conventional software approaches, providing a true WYSIWYG output. This helps users of tool grinding machinery to sidestep multiple data format changes and emulations, the company says.

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