Twin-Spindle Grinding Machine Increases Productivity
Paragon’s twin-spindle, compound grinding machine, the RTG-100CNC, is designed for enhanced productivity and precision for ID/OD grinding. Clamping once instead of twice, the machine can grind as many as eight faces, featuring maximum an OD of 320 mm and an ID grinding range from 6 to 100 mm.

Paragon’s twin-spindle, compound grinding machine, the RTG-100CNC, is designed for enhanced productivity and precision for ID/OD grinding. Clamping once instead of twice, the machine can grind as many as eight faces, featuring maximum an OD of 320 mm and an ID grinding range from 6 to 100 mm.
The machine design, with Fanuc controller, offers auto grinding and wheel dressing driven by a servo motor. Also, it is equipped with the Heidenhain sealed linear encoder, Class C1 ballscrews and an eliminate-backlash device.
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