Twin-Spindle Machining Center Provides Fast, Accurate Axis Movement
Chiron is introducing its vertical twin-spindle five-axis machining center, the DZ08 FX Precision+.

Chiron is introducing its vertical twin-spindle five-axis machining center, the DZ08 FX Precision+. The machine includes contact-free linear direct drives in the X, Y and Z axes. These drives bring the spindles to optimum feed rates more quickly and permit increased traverse rates. Compared to the previous model, this machining center produces aluminum components 20 to 50 percent faster.
The system offers a modular design. Direct path measuring systems in all axes maximize precision. It has two 14-kW water-cooled milling spindles which accelerate to 40,000 rpm in 1.9 sec. In rapid feed, they reach a speed of 75 m/min. in the X and Y axes and 100 m/min. in the Z axis. The results are chip-to-chip times of about 3.0 sec. and tool change in about 0.8 sec. It can be equipped with a two-axis rotary tilt table to facilitate fast five-axis machining.
The machining center can be supplemented with the Variocell Uno double-gripper robot and workpiece storage and handling system to assist in loading and unloading during machining. As many as 12 raw part pallets can be included in the Variocell.
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