Vertical Turning Center Features Integrated APC
Available from Absolute Machine Tools, the You Ji CY-550-H vertical turning center (VTC) is a high-production, heavy-duty machine suitable for automotive production environments.

Available from Absolute Machine Tools, the You Ji CY-550-H vertical turning center (VTC) is a high-production, heavy-duty machine suitable for automotive production environments. With a maximum turning diameter of 27.5", the VTC is designed for rugged to fine-finish turning of medium to large components.
The 30-hp spindle motor provides 2,500 rpm and can be equipped with a two-speed ZF gearbox to provide the high torque necessary for machining larger diameters. NN-type spindle bearings endure high centrifugal and spindle loads. The VTC also is equipped with a rotary spindle, carrier-type automatic pallet changer (APC) which indexes in less than 50 sec., the company says. The 10-station drum turret offers a 0.5-sec. index time and takes the shortest route to the correct tool selection. A live tool turret is available as an option.
The machine’s rigid vertical column and base are Meehanite castings, heavily ribbed for reduced thermal distortion and vibration damping. Its linear guideways are completely enclosed, and a forced lubrication system assures high precision. The way system enables rapid traverse rates ranging to 787 ipm. The chip control system washes chips and coolant directly into the chip conveyor, and a standard chip wash system forces any chips from the machining area into the conveyor.
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