Video Measuring Microscope
Vision Engineering’s Falcon three-axis, non-contact video measuring system is suitable for both multi-user shopfloor applications and lab-level manufacturing inspection. It uses high-resolution, indexed zoom optics (as high as 100× magnification) for component edge definition.

Vision Engineering’s Falcon three-axis, non-contact video measuring system is suitable for both multi-user shopfloor applications and lab-level manufacturing inspection. It uses high-resolution, indexed zoom optics (as high as 100× magnification) for component edge definition. An indexed camera iris control reduces depth of field, thereby increasing accuracy and repeatability of Z-axis results, a common complaint of video systems, the company says. Features include controllable quadrant LED illumination and motorized Z-axis control. The unit’s measuring stages provide a measurement capacity of 150 × 150 × 115 mm (X, Y, Z) and include certified calibration completed at the factory as standard. A touchscreen color display is said to provide automatic video edge detection to ensure reproducible measurement results, regardless of the operator.
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