VMC Combines Precision, Speed With Powerful Cutting Capability

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Kitamura’s Bridgecenter-8F double-column VMC offers #40 or #50 taper spindle options for applications ranging from mold cutting to high speed, high-accuracy machining of precision parts. Both configurations feature accuracy of 0.000078" and repeatability of 0.000039". The machine is useful for large, long parts that require wide machining areas, which are typical in the aerospace, defense and die/mold industries, the company says.
According to the company, the machine's design enables operators to reduce fixturing and setup of parts that would otherwise need to undergo operations on more than one machine. The worktable can accommodate parts as large as 98.4" × 42.7" × 30.3". The rapid traverse rate is 945 ipm on all axes, and the standard, 30-tool ATC has a tool-to-tool change time of 2.8 seconds.
The #40 taper configuration features a 20,000-rpm, four-speed gear-driven spindle for light cuts at high speeds. For high-torque cutting, the #50 taper configuration offers spindle speeds of 3,500, 6,000 or 10,000 rpm. A standard 30-hp AC spindle motor with a two-speed, 3,500-rpm gear-driven spindle enables the #50 taper machine to reach full power at 317 rpm with a maximum output torque of 490 foot-pounds. The dual-contact spindle design is standard on both configurations and provides rigidity, quality surface finish, increased accuracy and prolonged tool life, the company says.
Other options include a two-station automatic pallet changer and fourth and fifth axis interface upgrades that enable machining of complex, multi-sided parts. In addition, an optional 10,000-rpm, two-speed gear-driven spindle enables maximum output torque of 199.2 foot-pounds. The machine uses the Kitamura-Fanuc 16iMB control.
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