The Mycenter-3Xi vertical machining center offers simultaneous three-axis capability: 30" × 17.9" × 18.1" (X,Y,Z). Like all of the company's machining centers, the Mycenter-3Xi uses table traverse design for the X and Y axis movement, a feature that is said to reduce workpiece/spindle interference (by 2/3) common on machines with a traveling column design. The VMC can execute simultaneous full travels throughout all three axes.
The VMC offers high speed rapid feed: 1,969 ipm (X and Y)/1,417 imp (Z) on solid box ways. Advanced boxway technology features computerized lubrication. Special rubber/copper way wipers are included.
The standard ballscrew cooling system circulates chilled oil through the X, Y and Z axes ballscrew shafts. This feature holds the ballscrew temperature at a constant, thereby minimizing thermal displacement allowing for higher accuracy through continuous operation, the company says.
The machine's high speed and high torque spindle rate is 20 ~ 10,000 rpm (40 ~ 15,000 available). The 15-hp AC drive motor drives the company's two-speed geared head, which provides 10,000 rpm (15,000 rpm optional) maximum spindle speed and up to 134 foot-pounds of torque. This high output system "sips" electricity to lower operating costs per hour, according to the company. The machine features the Dual Contact spindle system, which provides dual contact of the spindle taper and flange face. The VMC features a thermally stabilized #40 taper spindle that is supported by double angular contact bearings to handle high thrust loads, and roller bearings for accuracy. The standard spindle chiller maintains a constant temperature at the spindle jacket to ensure precision, the company says.
The ATC rate is 1.2 second (tool to tool)/3.2 seconds (chip to chip). The fixed pot ATCs are said to optimize tool handling and tool storage capability without sacrificing productivity. The tool magazine can keep the next tool in the stand-by pot for fast, efficient tool change, says the company. The VMC has a tool capacity of 30 tools. Adjacent tool pots can be left empty to accommodate large diameter cutters.
The company says the standard IAC System 1 controls the effects of heat displacement in order to ensure continuous machining accuracy. A combination of regulating sensors and machine efficiency monitors provide data on variable compensation values to the machine offsets, which is said to minimize inaccuracies in spindle axial growth and head casting growth.
The company's AI Nano Control is standard. It is said to deliver ±0.00012" positioning accuracy per full stroke on all axes. This ultra-high response feedback system also increases contouring accuracy by 150 times, according to the company.
This VMC features a Kitamura-Fanuc 16iM CNC. This control folds flatly into the machine when it isn't being used.
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