Vulcanized Collet Systems for Quick Changeover
Hardinge’s 80-mm FlexC vulcanized collet system features collet chucks that mount directly to the machine spindle.

All World Machinery Supply
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View MoreHardinge’s 80-mm FlexC vulcanized collet system features collet chucks that mount directly to the machine spindle. The collets are inserted and removed with a manual compression wrench for changeover in less than 10 sec., the company says. Collets are available in round and hex smooth, round and hex serrated, square smooth, emergency, and S-master styles.
The collet system provides accuracy within 0.004" (0.010 mm) TIR for style A (pull-back dead-length stationary stop) and 0.0008" (0.020 mm) TIR for style DL (push-to-close). The collet head offers a gripping range of ±0.020" (0.5 mm) of its nominal size to enable variation in barstock without changing the collet. Without a collet body, the collet segments remain parallel to the stock even when there are variations in the barstock. Parallel clamping ensures full bearing contact with the part for optimal holding power and reduced push back.
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