Walter's CBN Grades Provide High-Quality Surface Finish
Walter’s WBH10C, WBH10 and WBH20 CBN grades are designed for improved turning of hardened steel ranging to 65 HRC.

Walter’s WBH10C, WBH10 and WBH20 CBN grades are designed for improved turning of hardened steel ranging to 65 HRC. These grades are said to provide a high-quality surface finish with its MW2 wiper geometry as well as longer tool life with its TiAlSiN coating. Inserts with the laser-etched TM-M2 chipbreaker geometry are also available. All inserts are ground for process reliability. These grades are available in both positive and negative inserts and are suitable for both continuous and interrupted cuts.
The company has also introduced the WBS10, a CBN grade for finishing high-temperature superalloys in either continuous or interrupted cuts. It features sharp EM2 microgeometry and superfine grain with a ceramic binder.
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