Western Gage's Readout Provides Five Micro-Inch Resolution
Westec 2021: Micro IIi Air Gage Readout features a built-in microprocessor, digital and analog displays, USB & RS-232 serial data outputs and auto calibration with master gages.

Photo Credit: Western Gage Corporation
Western Gage Corporation’s Micro IIi Air Gage Readout provides fast and accurate measurements of tapered internal and external diameters. Western will show the instrument at WESTEC 2021 in booth 723.
The air gage instrument features a built-in microprocessor, digital and analog displays, USB & RS-232 serial data outputs and auto calibration with master gages. Taper angles and datum diameters are displayed with resolutions to five micro-inches or 0.1 microns. Applications include measurement of machine tool spindle tapers, tool holders and medical implant tapers. Western also designs and manufactures custom air gages for precision inner diameter and outer diameter match fittings, inspecting flatness, concentricity, perpendicularity and parallelism.
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