Whirling Machine for Reduced Cycle Times
Leistritz will display its LWN-90 whirling machine.

All World Machinery Supply
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Leistritz will display its LWN-90 whirling machine. The machine produces precision gear worms with reduced cycle times. According to the company, when implemented into a production environment and paired with induction-hardening equipment, the whirling method decreases thread rolling, milling and grinding while resulting in high worm quality. The steel bed and programmable force tailstock, combined with five-axis interpolation, are the foundation of the machine’s performance.
The machine features a 4,000-rpm, 5-kW whirling spindle which produces worms or various screw types with outer diameters as large as 2.5" and lengths ranging to 20". The company uses a dry cutting method of whirling which is said to be a clean process. The method uses a vortex tube to deliver chilled compressed air to the cutting point or a small amount of added oil to the mix.
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