

Wire EDM for Jet Engine “Fir Trees”

Advances in wire EDM (electrical discharge machining) technology have made it acceptable for machining critical aerospace parts. It may now become the preferred method for cutting turbine disc “fir trees,” a particularly demanding application that highlights the benefits of this machining process.

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Cashing in Your Chips

By installing a new chip processing and coolant filtration system, this aerospace manufacturer raised the value of its scrap, slashed new coolant costs and mitigated its environmental impact, shielding itself against potential fluid disposal liabilities.

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Video of Interesting Turbine Blade Workholding System

This clamping system is an automated steady rest with measuring capability that stabilizes the five-axis machining process of very long turbine blades.


The Case for Off-Site Innovation

Okuma says the point of its aerospace technology center is to provide a place for manufacturers to perform all the trial-and-error they need to perfect a new process. It’s also a place to find and consult with sources of up-to-date manufacturing technology expertise.

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Build the Machine around the Workpiece

Rather than fitting a part into an existing machine, modular machining units enable building a custom machine particularly suited for that workpiece. This approach is best for large production runs of specialized parts.

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A Compact but Rigid VMC for Machining Titanium Blades

In recent years, machine tool builders have developed models specifically designed for the efficient machining of titanium and other hard metals.

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Reducing Setups With Automated Pallet Systems

Wouldn’t it be great to set up a pallet once and then be done with it? Automated pallet systems help companies recover time lost to repeat setups for recurring part orders.

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Applying “Dengeling” to Finish Turbine Blades

This alternative to grinding, polishing and shot peening enables turbine blades to be machined and finished on one five-axis machine in one setup.


Dispelling Five Myths about Hiring Workers with Disabilities

Manufacturers seeking skilled workers should rid themselves of the misconceptions many hold about hiring disabled individuals, especially those with specialized industrial training.

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Armed for Accuracy

Portable metrology arms provide many benefits, as do standard CMMs, but how do these devices differ from each other? This company relies on both and describes the applications for which these technologies are particularly well-suited.

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