CAM System for Robot Programming
Delcam’s PowerMill Robot CAM system enables programming and simulating complex robot machining operations.
Read MoreMachine Shops’ Most Important Needs Are Universal
Haas Automation describes its international strategy.In manufacturing, says a company leader, the most important factors are physical and economic considerations that are independent of nationality.
Read MoreCMM Removes Bottleneck in Automated Cell
By adding a Brown & Sharpe One CMM from Hexagon Metrology, Strattec was able to eliminate a production bottleneck in its automated cell and improve efficiency in other departments throughout the facility.
Read MoreLights-Out Machining and Long-Term Agreements Go Together
The value of a contractual agreement to keep on supplying the same part number to a customer is even greater than many shops realize.
Read MoreHigh-Resolution Linear Encoders Improve Positioning Accuracy
Fagor Automation offers a line of linear encoders capable of 50-nm resolution.
Read MoreWelding Robot for Use in High-Density Layouts
The MA1440 six-axis welding robot from Yaskawa Motoman offers a 6-kg payload, an improvement on the 3-kg payload of its MA1400 model, as well as a larger wrist hole for utilities and faster operation.
Read MoreMazak Midwest Event to Focus on Boosting Efficiency
The March open house will highlight complete machining systems including machining centers, automation equipment and cutting tools.
Read MoreCylindrical Grinding Machine Tour Launches
United Grinding recently introduced its Studer S11 small-parts production grinding machine to the North American market on the USS Yorktown. You’ll soon be able to see it, too, as it embarks on an eight-city tour, which started Feb. 19.
WatchCompact Cylindrical Grinding Machine for High Production
United Grinding recently introduced its Studer S11 small-parts production grinding machine to the North American market. An online video demonstrates an interesting cam-actuated loading system that’s available with the machine.
WatchRobotics Collision Sensor Self-Resets After Crashes
The SR-48 robotic collision sensor from ATI Industrial Automation accommodates smaller payloads with a lower operating range.
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