
Automated Production Of Oil-Drill Couplings

A machining cell combines lathes, a robot and a conveyor system to enable automated production of precision oil-drill couplings.

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Flexible Automation Process Helps Shop Reduce Costs

Despite hitting production goals, this shop had trouble meeting customer cost targets. It needed further automation. After purchasing Fanuc robots to service its flexible manufacturing system (FMS), the company has reduced costs enough to pay back its investment.

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Simulation Software Enables "Lights-Out" Five-Axis Machining

Hall & Stavert has been manufacturing marine hardware for more than 65 years. The company incorporated Vericut machine-simulation software to verify NC programs and shorten turnaround time. Developed by CGTech, the solids-based software system interactively simulates the material-removal process of an NC program. The software depicts three- to five-axis milling/drilling and wire EDM operations as well as multi-axis turning and mill/turn machining.

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