Is It Time For Bar Fed Machining Centers?
When we think of bar feeders, usually they are associated with turning operations. Recently though, some builders have developed machining centers that incorporate bar fed raw stock. It’s an interesting idea for the right applications and one that can economically reduce material handling and fixturing requirements on machining centers. Here’s a look at how they work.
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One machine shop owner in old New England, not far from where Paul Revere made his famous ride, saw a tight labor market as a call to revolutionize his company.
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Sheffield, United Kingdom-based tool manufacturer Universal Drilling and Cutting Equipment (UDCE) manufactures a wide range of products for the engineering, fabrication and construction industries, including electro-magnetic drilling systems, broaching cutters, tungsten carbide cutters, industrial cutters and specialized engineering tools.
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Because boring is a finishing or semi-finishing operation, there is generally little or no margin for dimensional or surface finish error. In production, dimensional accuracy of a precise bore can be negatively affected by tool wear over time.
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Take a look at some of the options, and find out how some shops make their decisions.
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