Hermle's HS Flex Heavy Work Handling System Stores Nine Pallets
Designed for the Performance-Line and High-Performance-Line of five-axis machining centers, Hermle’s HS Flex Heavy work handling system can move workpieces ranging to 1,200 kg.
Read MoreAutonomous Bin Picking for CNC Machining Applications
With the launch of a new application kit for collaborative robots, Universal Robots is creating a new option for lights-out machining. But the company may have tapped into a solution for a deeper problem: attracting millennials to the manufacturing workforce.
Read MoreSoftware Updates Enhance Cobot Programming, Monitoring
New software updates have added some 50 operational and ease-of-use features to the line of OB7 collaborative robots from Absolute Machine Tools’ partner Productive Robotics.
Read MoreMecSoft Forms Partnership with RoboDK
The partnership will enable users of MecSoft’s CAM products to transfer 2½- through five-axis tool paths to RoboDK software.
Read MoreHigh-Energy Barrel Finishers Efficiently Deburr Complex Parts
Mass Finishing Inc. has developed high-energy barrel finishers that automate the process of deburring complex parts, saving time and eliminating the need to deburr parts by hand.
Read MoreSmart Manufacturing Experience Postponed
SMX is now scheduled to be co-located with IMTS in Chicago this September.
Read MoreA Job Shop Approach to Automation
Through patient research and smart investing, this job shop has slowly grown its capabilities and is moving toward lights-out manufacturing for prototype work.
Read MoreWhat Makes Smart Robots Smart?
How manufacturing technology “thinks,” and the extent to which it should, are critical considerations in applying artificial intelligence intelligently.
Read MorePandemic Proves Value of Manufacturing Software Automation
Fast turnaround of a face shield and a ventilator illustrate the value of digital, data-driven manufacturing processes in responding to the novel coronavirus.
Read MoreSometimes the Trickiest Part of CNC Machining Is Holding the Part
Finding a way to fixture contoured marine propellors proved to be this shop’s biggest challenge in developing an effective automated machining cell.