CNC & Machine Controls

Absolute Linear Encoder

Incorporating absolute technology to a multi-substrate scale tape linear encoder design, Heidenhain introduces the LIC 4000. Besides its capability of absolute position measurement, this encoder is characterized by its high resolution of 1 nanometer and its serial EnDat 2.

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Software Delivers Lean Production Control

GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms, a unit of GE Enterprise Solutions, offers Proficy Tracker 8. 0, a lean production control that manages inventory, schedules resources in real-time and controls the routing of material through a discrete manufacturing process.

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Windows-Based HMI Uses Flashcard Technology

The Bosch Rexroth IndraControl VEP series of PC-based human/machine interfaces (HMIs) provides PC power and functionality with an embedded Windows CE operating system. The system uses flashcard technology and multiple operator platforms, allowing equipment designers to choose the best configuration for each machine application and environment.

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Bed Mill Operates Manually Or With CNC

The Trak DPM SX5 bed mill with the ProtoTrak SMX control may be operated manually or as a two- or three-axis CNC. The solid ram moves up and down for Z-axis operation, providing mass behind heavy cuts.

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Plug-And-Play CNC Monitoring

These CNC monitoring appliances are preloaded for detailed reporting, e-mail notifications, cell phone notifications and real-time CNC status display for plug-and-play installation.

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CNC Increases Productivity For Aerospace Applications

The Sinumerik 840D is said to increase performance and user productivity on the manufacturing floor, especially for high-speed and five-axis aerospace machining. The solution line is a universal and flexible CNC system featuring Sinamics S120 drives that can be used for as many as 31 axes. It is a distributed, scalable, open and inter-connecting system that offers a range of specialized functions for milling, drilling, turning, grinding and handling technologies.

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Too Small To Touch

Hummingbird takes on machining work that is too small for most shops to handle. In fact, Hummingbird tries not to handle it either. To accurately machine the tiniest parts, this shop relies on processes that are as hands-off as possible.

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Little Things Mean A Lot

The design of a machining center with the precision to mill tiny features illustrates what is (and is not) required for micromachining.

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Software Gives Offline Programming “Real” Robot Feel

Motoman’s enhanced graphics simulator, MotoSim EG, is available with virtual robot controller (VRC) capability, which is said to provide accurate 3D simulation of robot cells. With VRC, the software operates and displays the actual programming pendant interface for the NX100 controller. The interface display is the same whether a programmer uses a teach pendant on the controller or uses the software on a PC.

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Die/Mold Shop Joins Constant Velocity Revolution

According to machine tool supplier GBI Cincinnati, data processing inefficiency inherent in many CNCs can cause actual feeds and speeds to vary significantly from those called for in the part program, leading to acceleration and deceleration during the cut. GBI’s Revolution machine, which features a high speed control designed to keep feeds and speeds closer to programmed rates, has helped this shop significantly improve cycle time and tool life on demanding prototyping applications.

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