CNC & Machine Controls

Single Controller Manages Four Robots

Motoman’s NX100 robot controller with a Windows CE programming pendant and a color touchscreen is designed to easily handle multiple tasks. High speed processing capability allows it to control as many as four robots for a total of 36 axes (including robots and external axes). It also features I/O devices from a single point of control.

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Motion Controls Reduce Development Time

The flexible, easy-to-use NewtonWorx line of motion controls from OES reduces machine development time and saves engineering resources, the company says. Featuring a modular system of driver boards, NewtonWorx stepper drives can be assembled as part of a complete CNC system. The control features plug-and-play capability.

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Digital Readout System Features Color Screen

The Innova 40i digital readout (DRO) system is dubbed the “true vision” due to its high-resolution TFT color screen. With the color screen, it is possible to execute solid 3D program simulations right at the DRO. In addition, standard features include a pocket cycle, bolt-hole cycle, linear hole and matrix cycles.

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Software Enhances Machine Tool Productivity

For the job shop, new versions of ShopMill and ShopTurn software packages allow users to achieve higher productivity, simplicity and speed, the company says. By featuring easy, step-by-step, on-screen programming, job shops can quickly respond to customer demands by reducing programming, tooling and production times, the company says.  The company also offers its Sinumerik 802D operator panel-based control system that combines the NC, the PLC and the HMI in a single unit.

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Linear Scales Improve Lathe Accuracy

When Ford Automotive offered a contract to this Canadian automotive manufacturer for producing rear toe links, the company found its lathes simply weren’t capable of attaining the accuracy required to complete the job. In addition to enabling the company to win the contract, installing Heidenhain linear scales on the lathes reduced scrap rates and the need for frequent operator adjustments.

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CNC For Toolroom And Small-Lot Work

Southwestern Industries’ ProtoTrak SLX CNC is suited for toolroom and small-lot work. According to the company, the advanced user interface of the CNC differentiates it from production-oriented CNCs. Users can generate complete part programs by naming the geometry required and answering prompts.

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Accuracy Gain From Linear Encoders

If the position of a machine tool’s axis is measured using a rotary encoder, then potentially the ballscrew is being asked to perform two contradictory functions. The ballscrew both drives the axis into position and indicates that position—because the ballscrew lies in between the encoder and the moving element of the machine. Control technology supplier Heidenhain calls this “semiclosed-loop” operation.


Uniform Control For All Product Lines

The Mitsubishi 700 series CNC is said to deliver advanced programming capabilities for high-precision machining and high productivity. All of the company’s product lines now incorporate this control, which is designed to allow greater compatibility between machines and to reduce the learning curve for machinists transitioning to new technologies. The unit is controlled on a 15" LCD touchscreen display.

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CNC Enables Fast, Constant Feed Rate

Miceli Technologies offers the constant velocity controller (CVC), a CNC incorporating a new approach to toolpath algorithms that produces a processing speed of 50,000 blocks per second. According to the company, this enables fast, constant feed rates for machining complex geometries. In contrast, CNCs with lower block-read speeds might not be able to consistently push machines at programmed feed rates.

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CNC Abrasive Metering

Bystronic offers CNC abrasive metering on all of its Byjet abrasive waterjet cutting systems. This system allows for the fine-tuning the amount of abrasive. On the fly, this amount can be changed from 0 to 1.

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