Data-Driven Manufacturing
Dashboard Displays Data for MTConnect-Enabled Machines in Real Time
Memex has launched Merlin OPTime, a free real-time dashboard application for MTConnect-enabled devices.
Read MoreGTI Spindle Technology Opens North Carolina Facility
The company is hosting an open house in August 2016.
Read MoreHexagon Business Unit Specializes in IoT Development
The Integrated Solutions team will focus on developing systems to collect shopfloor data.
Read MoreSecuring a Shop Network
Bill Bither of MachineMetrics discusses misconceptions surrounding cybersecurity and the Internet of Things, and provides some steps to protect your machine tools while they're being monitored.
Read MoreGet in the Game
Making processes more productive is one big benefit of data-driven manufacturing, but so is making people more motivated and more creative. We can learn from the appeal of video games.
Read MoreEuroBlech Meets Needs for Smart Manufacturing in Sheet Metal Applications
The annual sheet metal technology exhibition is anticipating more than 1,400 exhibitors from around the world.
Read MoreFANUC Developing Open Platform for Connecting CNCs, Robots, Peripheral Devices, Sensors
The system in development is part of a collaboration between FANUC and three other automation and Internet of Things providers.
Read MorePresident Obama Attends Harting Booth at Hannover Messe
The U.S. president along with German Chancellor Angela Merkel learned about the company’s internet-of-things technologies.
Read MoreMachine Monitoring: No Place to Hide
Machine monitoring will provide a fuller view of shopfloor activities. At first, this picture might not be as good as everyone thought, but that’s not bad.
Read MoreSaving Energy Synergistically
Energy-saving systems serve as an example of a machine tool functioning as a cyber physical system in which control loops are self-monitoring and self-adapting.
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