Data-Driven Manufacturing
Webinar Makes a Compelling Case for MTConnect
MTConnect is an industry standard that specifies a protocol for data communication between machine tools and other manufacturing equipment or systems. Mazak is an early adopter of MTConnect and a strong proponent of its benefits to improve overall equipment efficiency. A recent webinar sponsored by Mazak details how MTConnect can serve as a complete communications standard for an entire manufacturing facility.
Read MoreMTConnect Conference Returns to Cincinnati
The event is scheduled for April 10-12, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency.
Read MoreMTConnect is Fast Becoming Factory Floor Lingua Franca
Would you buy a computer that could only “talk” with just a couple of other devices, like a printer and one other desktop? Neither would most people. They’d make sure their new unit has all the ports and protocols that will get them to the whole outside world.
Read MoreWhy I Love MTConnect
It’s got good people behind it. It’s got great shops as users. It’s got really neat applications. In short, it’s fun to write about.
Read MoreMT Connect: Two Shops Share Their Experience
For two shops in northern Indiana, using MTConnect for machine monitoring was just the start. Both shops are now ready to implement other promising applications.
WatchUnderstanding MTConnect Agents and Adapters
MTConnect agents and their corresponding device adapters are simply small computer programs that work together so that MTConnect can make shop equipment and networks more readily connectible. In a nutshell, adapters enable existing shopfloor devices “to speak MTConnect,” and agents enable MTConnect messages and data files to be transmitted across a network to MTConnect-compatible applications.
Read MoreAn MTConnect Q&A With Brian Papke, President of Mazak
Mazak has taken strides to support MTConnect. I spoke with Brian Papke, president of Mazak, to find out why.
Read MoreGetting Started with MTConnect
MTConnect is a standardized communication protocol designed to help shops and plants integrate every piece of shopfloor equipment into a manufacturing data system. A new "conductivity guide" explains how to start implementing MTConnect to improve productivity on the shop floor.
Read MoreThe Need to Know Is Basic
An MTConnect-enabled monitoring system gives this shop a clear and simple picture of machine tool usage.
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