Shop Management Software

Precision Metal Fabricator Increases On-Time Delivery With Shop Control

AR had implemented a Realtrac shopfloor control system from Realtrac Division in 1988 in order to assure customers it could control its operations.

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Gradual Software Implementation Allows Users To Find Comfort Zone

Big shops may have the financial resources and personnel to change the way they do business almost overnight when they make changes in their information systems. However, at this small shop, that was not the approach shop management took to automation.

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ISO 9000--The Next Phase

The standard for ISO 9000 accreditation is changing. Here's what it might mean to you.

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Shopfloor Software Cuts Non-Productive Time And Increases On-Time Delivery

Palma Tool and Die Company has a full complement of CNC and manual machines, which includes VMCs, lathes, surface grinders, wire EDM and stamping and injection molding machines. Management was facing several issues. How do you make sure that materials are ordered and delivered on time? How do you shift production between machines to make sure that customers' jobs are delivered on time? And how quickly can you generate a progress report for your customer?

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Scheduling Software Shows Bottlenecks And Solutions

Four years ago Mr. Adams went looking for a scheduling program to smooth out the bumps in his business. Two things he wanted were visual scheduling and a Windows environment. Mr. Adams decided to buy Vista from Epicor Software.

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Software Leads To Integration In The Job Shop

Jim Andries of Stremel Manufacturing had a vision of his company's software and employees working together. After several years of piecemeal software purchases, Mr. Andries' vision turned into a true need for shop integration.

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Job Shop Provides Machine Operators With Job-Related Data In Real-Time

This shop, which specializes in large parts for power generation, aerospace and defense, decided it wanted to provide machine operators with every piece of information for the job at hand, in one place, at one time and in real-time.

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Cutting Tools

Absolute Control

Tool management for this aerospace manufacturer begins in NC programming and reaches throughout the shop floor.

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Shop Management Software Allows For More Effective Operations

The management at Alger Manufacturing knew it needed a new shop management system. Even with customization, the shop management package it had been using was inadequate. The company's management team knew it would have to make some changes, including upgrades for the hardware and support software, both in the offices and on the shop floor to accommodate the new system.

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The ABCs Of Activities Based Costing

A lot of job shops still use a flat shop rate when costing, estimating or quoting. This job shop developed its own software following another approach that is almost as simple but more accurate.

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