
Laser & Waterjet

Laser Cutter Taps Into “Done-in-One” Fabrication

Multitasking machines offer a number of advantages, including reducing multiple setups that require manual material handling and refixturing. However, many fabricators still use multiple operations on separate machines to process tube and pipe components. Secondary operations such as tapping are especially prob

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More Than Big Machines

This shop specializes in very large components such as rotor hubs and support bases for wind turbines. Its lineup of large horizontal boring mills can handle parts weighing 40,000 pounds and 12 feet on a side. However, the shop’s success also lies in other manufacturing resources and strategies. These include material handling equipment, customized tooling, special fixtures and wireless, portable measuring systems.

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Turning Is Optional

The part requires only milling and drilling, but it is still run on a lathe. Except for the cutoff tool, all of the turret positions on this lathe hold rotating tools. In other words, turning is not essential for using a lathe effectively. This application illustrates the productive possibilities of a modern turn-mill machine.

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Gear Manufacturer Cuts Costs By Reclaiming Used Tools

This gear manufacturer needed to reduce high costs resulting from replacing dull drill bits or sending them out for sharpening. With the XT3000 Xpandable tool sharpener from Darex, the shop has done just that. In addition, the device allows the company to custom-sharpen drills for specific jobs. 

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Oil & Gas

New Boring Tool Phases Out Multiple-Pass Operation

Boring large holes often takes multiple passes that lead to lengthy cycle times. This oil industry manufacturer turned to Allied Machine and Engineering for help with one such troublesome application. A custom tool saved the shop hours on cycle time.

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Automated Production Of Oil-Drill Couplings

A machining cell combines lathes, a robot and a conveyor system to enable automated production of precision oil-drill couplings.

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Simulation Software Enables "Lights-Out" Five-Axis Machining

Hall & Stavert has been manufacturing marine hardware for more than 65 years. The company incorporated Vericut machine-simulation software to verify NC programs and shorten turnaround time. Developed by CGTech, the solids-based software system interactively simulates the material-removal process of an NC program. The software depicts three- to five-axis milling/drilling and wire EDM operations as well as multi-axis turning and mill/turn machining.

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Circle Milling A Bolt Hole Pattern

There are times when you want to circle mill the holes on a bolt pattern. Possibly you want to rough the holes prior to finish boring.

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