Ingersoll and Bell 3D Print 22-Foot-Long Rotor Blade Mold
Ingersoll and Bell have completed a 22-foot-long main rotor blade mold through a combination of 3D printing and five-axis machining, saving months compared to traditional processes.
Read MoreRocklin MobiLase Brings Portability to Laser Marking
Rocklin Manufacturing’s MobiLase is a portable fiber laser marking solution that customers can transport in a rolling suitcase.
Read MoreAnca's EDG3 and SparX Erosion Generator Cut Cycle Times
Anca’s Electro Discharge Grinding 3 machine with Anca Motion’s SparX Erosion Generator uses a variety of tech innovations to maintain geometries and cut PCD cycle times by 50%.
Read MoreSodick Proprietary Linear Drives Maximize Machine Accuracy
Sodick’s K4HL CNC small hole drilling machine and AL G series die-sinker EDMs feature the company’s proprietary rigid linear motor drives for increased accuracy.
Read MoreAnca MX7 Linear Increases Taylor Toolworks' Grinding Flexibility
Anca’s MX7 Linear tool grinder gave Taylor Toolworks the power and flexibility to create large-diameter carbide tooling and meet the needs of many tooling markets.
Read MoreStarrag Bumotec Enables Single Set-Up Medical Manufacturing
Starrag’s Bumotec s181 and s191 machining centers have given Shanghai Medical Instruments the manufacturing flexibility and speed to maintain a 50% market share in China for medical instruments.
Read MoreCompact Milling Center from Trak Opens Possibilities
The VMC2 from Trak Machine Tools is full-featured milling center with a compact footprint.
Read MoreHow Advanced Grinding Technology Leverages Capabilities Beyond Grinding
United Grinding shows how rethinking traditional grinding technology and combining manufacturing processes can extend the role of grinding and make grinding machines more productive.
Read MoreHow to Save Time When Mounting Jaws on Three-Jaw Chucks
Precisely placing jaws on three-jaw chucks for CNC turning machines is difficult, but a laser pointer and clever programming can ease the issue.
Read MoreMatsuura Five-Axis Machines Give Shop Unattended Capacity
Matsuura five-axis machines drastically increased Flying S’ process reliability in making complex aerospace parts, in one example leading to over 90% first part integrity on first machining attempts.
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