Machining Centers
VMC Efficiently Processes Long Workpieces
Mazak’s Variaxis i-700 is designed to efficiently process long workpieces and those requiring precision-machined, complex curved surfaces in single setups.
Read MoreVMC Series Features Belt-Type Spindle
DMC Machine Tools’ DM V series of vertical machining centers includes the DM 42V, 42VL, 50V, 52VL, 65V and 65VL, which are said to provide increased reliability for heavy-duty operations on larger workpieces.
Read MoreA Smooth Transition to Five-Axis Machining
A mold manufacturer that specializes in precision, thin-walled container molds chose an integrated approach to establishing an effective five-axis “3 + 2” machining process.
Read MoreDouble-Column Machining Center Features Two-Step Gear Shift
The Starvision FS-3220 double-column machining center from Fortune/Monforts-Starvision Machinery features a Hamada Koki JIS 0 gearbox.
Read MoreVMC’s Gear Head Enables Heavy Machining Applications
Available from Yama Seiki, the Awea BM-2500 vertical machining center is equipped with a 6,000-rpm, 50-taper gear spindle powered by a FANUC α22i 35-hp AC spindle motor.
Read MoreHarnessing the Holding Force
Inserts engineered to augment the vise’s effectiveness allow work to be held rigidly on a tiny clamping area.
WatchVMCs Designed for Accurate Multi-Sided Machining
Chiron’s 24 series of vertical machining centers offers spindle clearance ranging to 600 mm and a drum workpiece-changing system to accommodate larger components.
Read MoreFive-Axis HMC Optimizes Spindle
Handtmann’s HBZ Trunnion 160 horizontal machining center offers a 1,600-mm table and is the largest of the company’s HBZ series.
Read MoreMultitasking's "Big" Advantage
As demonstrated at this Cincinnati-area shop, machines that both mill and turn shine brightest when workpieces are massive.
WatchThe Value of a Portable Second-Op Machine
A portable second-op machine can make more effective use of labor while freeing primary machines to carry out the complicated work they were designed to perform.
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