Machining Centers
Fryer Offers Compact HMC for Small-Lot Machining
The Fryer HR-40 features a built-in 24" rotary table for multi-sided machining.
Read MoreJTEKT Launches New Series of HMCs
The new FH5000 series machines include a 500-mm table capable of handling 1,000-kg loads.
Read MoreDN Solutions' VMC Provides Diverse Five-Axis Machining
The company’s DVF Series comprises compact five-axis CNC machines that are designed for diverse five-sided or simultaneous five-axis applications.
Read MoreIntegration, Automation and Green Tech Highlight JIMTOF 2022
Known as one of the largest machine tool trade shows in the world, the Japan International Machine Tool Fair (JIMTOF) has a reputation for being a machining technology show more than a machine tool sales event. And this year’s show in Tokyo — the first in-person Japanese machine tool trade show in four years — did not disappoint.
Read MoreSunnen Offers Vertical Honing System for Heavy-Duty Parts
The SV-2010 AXYS CNC honing system integrates a vertical honing column with a high-resolution industrial camera and a heavy-duty i5 CNC-controlled servo X-Y table.
Read MoreDN Solutions Introduces High-Productivity Vertical Machining Center
The SVM 5100L’s performance has been optimized to reduce the acceleration/deceleration times of the XYZ axes and spindle, reducing non-cutting time.
Read MoreMazak Integrex i-100HS Multitasking Machine for Complex Part Applications
The Integrex i-100HS multitasking machine combines the abilities of a full-function machining center and a high-powered turning center to produce small- and medium-sized workpieces in single setups.
Read MoreVolumetric Accuracy Is Key to Machining James Webb Telescope
To meet the extreme tolerance of the telescope’s beryllium mirrors, the manufacturer had to rely on stable horizontal machining centers with a high degree of consistency volumetric accuracy.
Read More10 Ways Additive Manufacturing and Machining Go Together and Affect One Another
Forget “additive versus subtractive.” Machining and metal additive manufacturing are interconnected, and enhance the possibilities for one another. Here is a look at just some of the ways additive and machining interrelate right now.
Read MoreFearless Five-Axis Programming Fosters Shop Growth
Reinvestment in automation has spurred KCS Advanced Machining Service’s growth from prototyping to low-and mid-volume parts. The key to its success? A young staff of talented programmers.
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