Machining Centers
Product Slideshow: Machining Centers
The March issue includes a spotlight section on machining centers. Click through the slideshow to learn more about these machines and others.
Read MoreFive-Axis HMC Handles Heat-Resistant Materials
Available from Methods Machine Tools, the Yasda YBM 7Ti five-axis horizontal machining center features a rotary table and rigid machine structure for high-performance machining of heat-resistant materials such as titanium and Inconel.
Read MoreThe Tactical Merit of Five-Axis Machining
A job shop relying on homegrown talent to win aerospace and defense work expands its five-axis capabilities
Read MoreMarch 2015 Product Spotlight Slideshow: Machining Centers
Click through this slideshow for HMCs, VMCs, multitasking centers and more.
Read MoreIn-House CNCs Help Automotive Shop Gain Manufacturing Control
By investing in two advanced CNC machine tools from Haas Automation Inc. and bringing chip-making in house, Neal Technologies was able to grow its business.
Read MoreManufacturing System for Production of Plastic Feed/Extruder Screws and Barrels
Weingärtner Maschinenbau supplies a comprehensive and flexible manufacturing system consisting of its Pick Up and Multi Product Machining Centers (MPMC) series and Finish CNC polishing machine for the production of feed/extruder screws and barrels.
Read MoreMicromachining Evolution
Challenge Machine continues to add high-speed equipment for the increasing amount of micromachining work it is performing. Here are some lessons it has learned along the way, using tools as small as 0.001 inch in diameter.
Read MoreAutomotive Cylinder Coating for High-Production Applications
Daimler’s Nanoslide cylinder bore coating technology can now be incorporated into an automated process for high-volume production.
Read MoreOne Spindle Housing, Two Dedicated Spindle Motors
This technology combines two separate and dedicated spindle motors in a single spindle housing—one designed to perform high-torque roughing and the other designed for high-speed finishing.
Read MoreFive-Axis Jig Boring and Milling Machine for Die-Mold
Available from Methods Machine Tools, the Yasda YBM Vi40 five-axis vertical jig boring and milling machine is intended for high-accuracy hard milling of complex dies, molds and components.
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