Metalworking Fluids
Combination Sump Cleaner and Dispenser
Cecor’s CE-30 Extra-Power twin-tank sump cleaner and dispenser features two 60-gallon tanks on a single chassis, one for cleaning and one for dispensing.
Read MoreGrinding Fluid’s Molecular Structure Minimizes Heat Build-Up
SintoGrind 353 gear-grinding fluid from oelheld is formulated from pure synthetic base stocks for demanding grinding tasks and is designed to handle hardened steels in excess of 65 Rc.
Read MoreHigh-Performance Cutting Fluid for Alloys
QualiChem’s Xtreme Cut 292 metalworking fluid is specifically designed for use with difficult-to-machine alloys such as titanium, Inconel and stainless steel.
Read MoreCoolant Cleaners Maximize Cutting Tool Life
Eriez’s HydroFlow permanent magnetic and rare earth coolant cleaners are designed for use with surface grinders, gear grinders, honing and lapping machines, milling and drilling machines, and other equipment requiring clean coolant.
Read MoreGravity Bed Filters Promote Efficiency
Losma’s Master Series gravity bed filters for coolants are available in three models: the Master, Medio-Master and Mini-Master.
Read MoreWater-Glycol Hydraulic Fluid Resists Fire
Quaker Chemical’s Quintolubric 702-46 RD fire-resistant hydraulic fluid is a water-glycol formulation designed to increase safety, reduce maintenance and extend product life.
Read MoreMetalworking Fluid Emulsion Extends Tool Life
Blaser Swisslube’s Blasocut BC935SW is said to provide high bio-chemical stability and increased sump life without the use of bactericides.
Read MoreQuickly Give Live Tools Coolant-Through Capability
This retrofit system enables users to quickly and easily add through-tool coolant delivery on their live tooling.
Read MoreFiltration System Removes Fine Particulate
PRAB’s Candle filtration unit removes fine particulate from spent oil and coolant.
Read MoreSynthetic Lubricant for Carbide, HSS
Oelheld offers SintoGrind MP synthetic lubricant for increased performance in carbide grinding and high speed steel applications.
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