Metalworking Fluids
Machine Tool Coolant Racing To Save Time And Improve Quality
As a former racecar driver, Jon Horgas is well aware that raw horsepower alone does not guarantee victory, and the fastest car does not always finish first. It takes a combination of finely tuned aerodynamics and suspension, fuel mixtures and gear ratios, driver skills and experience, a top-notch pit crew, tire composition, high quality components, and luck.
Read MoreA Separator Solves The Tramp Oil Problem
With their strong attention to routine housekeeping, it's not surprising that this shop carefully researched all methods for removing tramp oil from coolant in machine sumps. If tramp oil is allowed to build up in the coolant, the resulting shop odor, smoke generation and unpleasant conditions for the operators will quickly undermine all efforts to keep a clean shop and maintain an optimum working environment.
Read MoreEliminating Contaminants In Coolant Management System
Just over 2 years ago the owners of Wanner Engineering made the investment decision to purchase highly automated machining systems with special cooling systems.
Read MoreImproving Quality, Productivity And Tool Life With High Performance Chip Handling
Continuous improvement--most of the time it is painstakingly slow...squeezing out small-tolerance refinements, fractions of more parts per hour or minor ergonomic enhancements. Rare are those instances where the improvements are significant, and they are even more exceptional when what happens is secondary to the project's intentions.
Read MoreTroubleshooting Your Way Oil System
An expensive lesson that many shops learn too late is that the automatic oil system on their CNC machine tool may not be completely automatic. Since the automatic oil system is designed to give a warning when the oil tank is empty, many machinists simply assume all is well if the alarm doesn't go off.
Read MoreCoolants Often Key To Today's CNC Grinder Performance
Coolants in CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining centers often perform under demanding conditions involving high speeds, hard metals and close tolerances. Without their special abilities to provide lubricity, maintain viscosity, and transfer heat, CNC machining might not be where it is today.
Read MoreHandling Chips In Hog Heaven
The Harley-Davidson Motor Company is concentrating on increasing productivity to meet the growing demand for its product line. Among the contant improvements to their manufacturing processes is an overhead system that transports chips and coolant from eight machining stations to a central separation and filter unit.
Read MoreOzone Provides Solution To Bacteria In Coolants
Bacterial growth in metalworking fluids eventually leads to machine downtime. Furthermore, shop owners and plant managers see an increased cost of purchasing replacement fluids and the disposal of spent fluids.
Read MoreOil Skimmer Provides A Smoke-Free Environment And Extends Coolant Life
When Tom Zovko, owner of Z and Z Manufacturing, a producer of hydraulic fittings and special screw machine products, couldn't see across his 15,000 square-foot machine shop, he knew he had a problem.
Read MoreGrinding Spindles Take Grease To Higher Speed
Conventional wisdom has it that grease lubrication is fine for grinding spindles so long as speeds stay fairly low. As speed approaches 10,000 to 15,000 rpm, however, then heat becomes a major problem, leaving little choice but to go to an oil-and-air mist system.
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