Milling Tools
Four-in-One Cutting Tool System for Diverse Applications
Millstar’s Quad Force Machining systems of solid carbide cutting tools feature cutting geometry with the capacity to perform four cutting actions in one.
Read MoreCutting Platform Reduces Horsepower Draw
Widia’s Victory VSM11 platform includes cutter bodies and inserts designed for low-horsepower draw and free machining.
Read MoreISO 13399—A Key Step Toward Data-Driven Manufacturing
Decisions about the cutting tools used in machining operations are arguably among the most important in modern manufacturing.
Read MoreCutting Tool Edge Prep: The Invisible Advantage
Edge preparation involves removing material from a cutting tool in order to extend its life. That may sound counterintuitive, but a maker of glass molds says edge prep has dramatically reduced the amount it spends on tools.
Read MoreCutters and Inserts Enable Continuous Heavy-Duty Cutting
Lovejoy Tool Co.’s MaxCut 651 cutters feature a new chip gullet design and 0.250"-thick inserts for continuous heavy-duty work.
Read MoreCutting Tool Helps Automotive Manufacturer Implement Design Change
Horn USA’s Mini Mill helped Machine Tool and Gear mill a flat at 90 degrees from other operations.
Read MoreFace Mills Keep Shop from Making Large Capital Expenditure
By retooling its machines with Tedimill face mills from Ingersoll Cutting Tools, Ward Production Engineering was able to take on a jump in order volume without making a large capital investment.
Read MoreThe Anatomy of an End Mill for Titanium
Titanium is often characterized as a “challenging workpiece material.” Certainly, machining this material is a challenge to milling machines, cutting tools and workholding accessories that are suitable for machining more common materials such as mild steel, cast iron or aluminum.
Read MoreExpanded Anti-Pullout System Enables Secure Titanium Milling with ER Collet Systems
Because of the extreme forces involved in machining titanium and other hard metals, it is necessary to take precautions to avoid pullout—the tendency for a cutting tool such as an end mill to gradually loosen in its holder and possibly be twisted out entirely.
Read MoreMilling Cutters Equipped with Through-Coolant
The Hi-FeedMidi family of high-feed milling cutters from Ingersoll Cutting Tools is based on the company’s Hi-FeedMini, but is capable of a 0.060" depth of cut.
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