Milling Tools

One Insert Design Machines A Variety Of Materials

Kennametal’s Mill 1-10 tooling platform performs common machining applications such as face milling, shoulder milling, pocketing, slotting, interpolating and ramping for steels, aluminum and exotics, all with one common insert style. The tooling platform accomplishes this through the use of multifunctional cutter bodies and First Choice inserts, which consist of different grades and edge preps for various work materials but utilize the same cutting geometry and size. Cutter bodies come in straight and helical flute styles.

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Helical Cutters Increase Milling Versatility, Performance

Mill 1-14 helical cutters from Kennametal are designed for greater axial depth of cut than a standard end mill, the company says. The flexible cutter range features inserts stacked two, three and four high. The helical cutters can be used for medium to heavy roughing and semi-finishing in applications such as contour profiling, slotting, ramping, helical ramping from solid and plunge milling.

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High-Performance Milling

 Excelerator Mills are designed for high-performance milling in difficult-to-machine materials using the company’s ceramic inserts. Typical application areas include most hardened materials above 40 Rc and nickel- and cobalt-based super alloys. Ring Max ring-groove cutters are engineered to cut machining time of API ring grooves, the company says.

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Application-Specific Conical Ball-Nose End Mills

These conical ball nose end mills are designed for machining specific components in several key manufacturing segments, including automotive, aerospace, energy and HVAC.

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How Scalable is Machining?

Tiny tools don’t behave like big tools do. One researcher explains why.

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What Is The Most Productive End Mill In Titanium?

Boeing experts recently responded to this question when it was submitted through our Aerospace Machining Zone

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Specialty End Mills

Scientific Cutting Tools’ corner-rounding end mills feature three flutes and are double ended to provide maximum value. The cutter diameter and the cut depth are held to ±0. 001" tolerance to provide ease of setup.

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How Do You Maximize Tool Life In Aluminum?

Boeing experts say climb vs. conventional is not the key. They recently answered a question submitted through our Aerospace Machining Zone, saying the key to tool life is actually chatter control.

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Extra Tough Tool Steel Meets Its Match In Extra Tough Inserts

A new grade of coated inserts enabled this shop to cut an especially hard tool steel so effectively and efficiently that it could deliver a massive set of press brake dies on time. The inserts are part of Kennametal’s Beyond line of carbide tooling. 

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Cutter Enables Hard-Part Milling On Light-Duty VMC

SPX relies on its small die shop to provide the tools needed to manufacture its service, testing and maintenance equipment for automotive and agricultural dealerships. With a limited number of machines, the die shop had no choice but to use a light-duty VMC on a process for which it is ill-suited—cutting hardened steel. To avoid jeopardizing the machine’s ceramic spindle bearings and other components, the shop implemented a face mill from Ingersoll Cutting Tools that enabled higher feeds and speeds while reducing cutting forces and spindle load.

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