Milling Tools
Realizing Large-Scale Savings On Large-Scale Parts
Converting big square bars to largely round tie bars used to require 24 hours per piece at Oak Products. The Sturgis, Michigan, company can now complete the same job in 8 hours. How did the company slash its machining times and realize substantial cost savings? Oak attributes the turnaround to process re-engineering involving aggressive mill-turning and tooling geared to stand up to the challenge.
Read MoreCutting Tools For High Speed Milling Of Aluminum
Go with the flow—chip flow, that is. The uninterrupted flow of the soft aluminum chip determines the design of the end mills that Metlfab uses.
Read MoreMainstream Technology Keeps Shop On Track
In its toolroom, Branchline Trains takes a practical approach to machining with end mills as small as 0.005 inch in diameter.
Read MoreThe Real Cost Of Runout
A seemingly small amount of runout can still be too large for the tool. Reduce this runout, and tool life or productivity may dramatically increase.
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