Indiana Takes on the World
Last month’s EMO machine tool show cast a spotlight on concepts such as Industry 4.0 and The Internet of Things. These advances are seen as essential to globally competitive manufacturing. This article examines the achievements of two companies in Indiana that are well on their way to implementing these concepts.
Read MoreVibration Analyzer Integrates with Bluetooth Temperature Sensor
The VibePro and iVibraMeter applications on GTI Spindle Technology’s iPad vibration analyzer now integrate with Node Therma, a Bluetooth temperature sensor that communicates wirelessly with the vibration analyzer.
Read MoreCAM Improves Programming of Multitasking Machines
By investing in Esprit CAM software from DP Technology, French manufacturer Lathuille-Hudry was able to take full advantage of programming its multitasking machines to produce complex geometries.
Read MoreSoftware Combination Enables Machine-Tending Robot Cell Simulation
ABB Robotics offers two flexible, easy-to-use programs for 3D simulation, validation and optimization of factors such as cycle times, postprocessing capabilities and collision risks.
Read MoreThese U.S. Shops Are Ready For the “Internet of Things”
For two manufacturing companies in northern Indiana, using MTConnect for machine monitoring was the start. This step forward is possible because this open and royalty-free standard for manufacturing uses proven Internet protocols.
Read MoreRadar-Based Collision Protection
Researchers are working toward radar-based collision protection for machine tools. Here are some thoughts about what a development such as that might mean.
Read MoreHigh Speed Laser Controls Increase Productivity
FANUC’s CNC series 30i/31i-L model B high-speed laser controls are said to increase productivity with Ethernet and Ethernet/IP field bus options and newly supported FANUC NCGuide simulation software.
Read MoreMachining with Robots
Several exhibitors at the recent EMO show in Hannover, Germany, featured demonstrations of robotic arms wielding live cutting tools such as end mills or face mills. Perhaps the most dramatic demo was presented by Delcam to showcase this CAM developer’s PowerMill Robot Interface.
Read MoreGUI Simplifies Measurement Programming
Designed for use on Okuma THINC Series controls, the Gauging Guide graphical user interface (GUI) from Blum LMT enables users to access advanced measurement capabilities in the macro programming software.
Read More3D Profiling Software Option for Parts Measurement
Heidenhain’s IK 5000 Quadra-Chek PC-based inspection software and hardware system offers a new 3D profiling capability, enabling users to quickly measure and determine part profiles within desired tolerance zones.
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