Turning Machines

Turning Machines

Multi-Spindle Features Improved Usability, Maintenance

To meet the evolving demands of high speed machining, Davenport Machine’s enhanced Davenport HP focuses on usability and maintenance. For easier interaction, the Man Machine Interface (MMI) is mounted on a waist-high pendant system that allows the operator to use the interface at the front, end or back of the machine. The sound enclosure has more windows, which increase visibility while the machine is running.

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High-Speed VTCs

GBI Cincinnati’s SMS CNC, high speed vertical turning centers are said to be ideal for mixed volume, short-run operations as well as dedicated high-volume applications. With a swing of 650 mm and a maximum turning diameter and height of 610 mm and 505 mm, the SMS AC-600 combines high-performance turning and large machining capacity within a compact 1,700- × 1,600- × 12,942-mm footprint. X-axis travel is 306 mm and Z-axis travel is 505 mm.

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Turning Machines

Exploring Niches With New EDM Technologies

A shop specializing in wire EDM for large mold components now offers EDM “turning” of small, intricate parts. Despite the potential risks involved in early adoption of new technologies, the shop believes this practice gives it a leg-up on the competition and lets it gain experience with alternative machining techniques before offering them to customers.

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Overlapping Tool Turning Sequences

The Colchester-Harrison TT6 turn-mill center from Clausing features overlapped (twin turning) tool sequences to provide optimized productivity. The center offers reduced setup time, and waiting time between pieces is eliminated, the company says. The eight-axis machine has twin 12-station turrets; two identical 20-

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Heavy-Duty, High Precision CNC Centers

The Ecoca MT-310-750 and MT-310-1000 are heavy-duty, high precision CNC turning centers designed for job shops that require robust cutting performance and operational flexibility, the company says. The machines are built from Meehanite iron with a rigid 30-degree slant-bed design. Square box ways are said to have r

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Turning Machines

Making Your Shop Eco-Friendly

A recent of MMS Extra issue asked how shops feel about environmentally conscious machining and carbon-footprint reduction. Dan Goldsmith at Elmira Stamping & Mfg. in Elmira, New York, ( www.elmirastamping.com ) responded by mentioning some of the practical steps that have been taken at his shop to reduce its e

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Turning Machines

Quoting On Cool

To a job shop, bidding on an unusual job with a quote that is too high or too low is an occupational hazard. Bid too high and you won’t get the work. Bid too low and you will lose money. Perhaps the worst scenario is to submit a bid that you thought was too high, only to get the job anyway. When that happens, the s

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Turning Machines

Turning The Tough Stuff

One of this aerospace shop’s many specialties is producing ring-shaped parts that are thin-walled, complex, tightly toleranced and made of difficult-to-machine materials such as Inconel, titanium or high-temperature alloys. Turning jet engine parts doesn’t get much tougher than this.

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Automated From The Start

Turning automation helps this shop produce parts more efficiently.

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Dual Y-Axis Capabilites Allow Simultaneous Operations On Two Turrets

The Nakamura-Tome WY-250 multi-tasking turn/mill center from Methods Machine Tools features an opposed two-spindle, two-turret construction with upper and lower Y-axis capability for milling and drilling simultaneously on both turrets. It also has a Super Mill drivetrain that produces high horsepower and torque for

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