
Turning Machines

Video: Form Tools On CNC Lathes

Form tools are traditionally associated with non-CNC machines, but in certain applications they make sense on modern machines as well.

Oil & Gas

Twin-Spindle, Twin-Turret Turning Center Boosts Pump Manufacturer’s Productivity

Precision Downhole Pumps, a division of Cameron International, in Iola, Kansas. is using two twin-spindle, twin-turret turning centers with Y-axis milling capability to finish complex jobs in one setup instead of the six formerly required. The new machines, from Doosan Infracore, have reduced manufacturing time by more than 30 percent.

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Turn With Or Without A Guide Bushing

The MLK 32/38 hybrid Swiss-type lathe from Maier USA is a seven-axis, sliding headstock machine that has a removable guide bushing. The machine offers bar capacity of 32 mm when a guide bushing is used and 38 mm without a guide bushing.

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Hobbing on a Turning Center

This manufacturer’s use of live-tool lathes overcomes labor cost in various ways. One of the latest sources of savings involves bringing another operation—hobbing—into these machines. INCLUDES VIDEO.


See The Tool's Value Instead Of Its Cost

This company is embracing high-performance tooling on its turning centers. The "sticker shock" is no reason not to do this. In one case, though, the shop found a way to limit the cost of the tool and increase productivity at the same time.

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The Part Is Longer Than The Lathe

Here is one custom machine builder’s system for producing a 40-foot part that has to be passed through the turning center and out the other side. INCLUDES VIDEO.


Turning Center Aids Transition To Production Work

To migrate from prototyping and one-off work to higher-volume jobs, Elmira, New York-based IDM needed more capability than its manual machines and older CNCs could provide. With the ability to complete parts in one setup and perform work that previously required multiple machines, the Hardinge SR-MSY multi-axis turning center was key to the shop’s competitiveness.

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Specialized, High-Precision Tooling For Swiss-Types

The company offers specialized high-precision tooling and accessories designed for users of Swiss-type machines and other small-parts manufacturing equipment. The product line includes Utilis Swiss-made inserts, which provide repeatability of less than 0. 0004" for turning work 1" in diameter and less.

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Multitasking Machine For Small, Complex Parts

The i-150 multitasking machining center is said to combine versatility and accuracy for manufacturing small, complex components from barstock. The machine features a front-mounted, 36-tool changer; a single, horizontal main spindle with15 hp that is capable of speeds as fast as 5,000 rpm; and a C-axis control. The 6" through-hole chuck can accommodate bars as large as 2.

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Turn-Mill With New Fanuc CNC

 The C100 series of production turn-mill centers features the Fanuc 31i CNC option. With three 14-position tool turrets and identical main and counterspindles, the centers are designed for fast, cost-competitive production of medium-complexity turned parts from barstock ranging from 30 to 42 mm diameter, the company says. Said to be ideal for small- to medium-lot sizes, the three-turret machines deliver high performance within a small footprint, and are targeted to handle fixed-headstock work often run on Swiss-type machines.

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