

Digital Demo: People and History Drive Solutions

Bourn & Koch has long provided unique manufacturing solutions. However, the people who work at Bourn & Koch enable the company to deliver value to each partner they work with. From service to assembly to engineering, each step builds on the solution—helping you solve your most challenging manufacturing problems. (Sponsored)


When Too Many Customers Spoil the Part

Duo CNC used to take on as many customers as the shop could handle. But when growth stalled, a top-down audit by the company’s general manager revealed that its customer base was inhibiting growth — and causing the shop to be less efficient and productive.

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IMTS 2022 Review: Attention to Automation Extends Beyond the Robot and the Machine

The advance toward increasingly automated machining can be seen in the ways tooling, workholding, gaging and integration all support unattended production. This is the area of innovation I found most compelling at the recent International Manufacturing Technology Show.

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Palmgren Launches Combination Bench Lathe, Mill

The 11" bench engine lathe and gear head mill is able to handle a wide range of turning, milling and drilling operations typically found on much larger machinery.

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Weiler to Debut New Automation Features For Its Lathes

Weiler’s V 110 four-way precision lathe introduces features new to the U.S.

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When Organic Growth in Your Machine Shop Isn’t Enough

Princeton Tool wanted to expand its portfolio, increase its West Coast presence, and become a stronger overall supplier. To accomplish all three goals at once, acquiring another machine shop became its best option.

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Milling Tools

A New Milling 101: Milling Forces and Formulas

The forces involved in the milling process can be quantified, thus allowing mathematical tools to predict and control these forces. Formulas for calculating these forces accurately make it possible to optimize the quality of milling operations.

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Double-Spindle Grinding Machine Enables Autonomous Operation

IMTS22: Vollmer’s  VGrind Argon enables precise and efficient multi-level machining due to its two vertical spindles.

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How to Reduce Cycle Times by 70% and More on Your Existing CNCs and Dramatically Improve Tool Life Too

By employing advanced high efficiency milling techniques for the entire machining routine, SolidCAM’s iMachining technology can drastically reduce cycle times while vastly improving tool life compared to traditional milling.


Compact Milling Machine Built to Reduce Cutting Time

IMTS22: Hurco releases the VM15Di, which is built to reduce cutting times and heat transfer while producing improved surface finishes.

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